Price List

Adult Cut 15~Child Cut 12 ~Shampoo & Style 6 ~Up-Do 25*does not include adornments ~All Over Color 25~Partial Weave 40*~Full Head Weave 55*~Individual Foil 5* 10 for any additional color or mix~Perm 45*price may increase due to length of hair~Extensions 5* per extension~Full Head Extensions 250*not including hair ~Eye Lash Extensions 60~Lash Fill 40~Eye Brow Wax 4~Upper Lip 4~Chin 6~Nails 25~Fill 15~Extras 2*per finger or 10 for both hands~Glitter Toes 15~Sunless Tanning 5 per area

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Big hair Anyone?

If you know me well, you will know I am HORRIBLE with passwords (oops), I have not been able to get in to blog for almost 2 months. There have been some good things going on.... Pity!! We will have to play catch up later. For now lets get on to bigger and better things..

CURLY HAIR is a different type of hair all together.
You definitely can not treat it the same as you would with straight hair or even wavy hair. The biggest rule to having amazing curly hair is Once it is done for the day DO NOT TOUCH!!!
it will frizz and poof and be horrid the rest of the day.

If you know me, you know I am not model material, my hair IS!!
Lately I have been letting my hair go fro. Awesome right!! I think so, I just put in a little Moroccan oil and let it dry. Then as soon as the water is out I oh dear I am afraid to even say it but....
I run my fingers through my dry hair!!
I know breaking like the BIGGEST rule of curly hair.
I LOVE it!! it is fun to just let loose and have fun, my hair hardly fits into my car on days like this, but let me just say I have never gotten more complements on my hair in one day.

Hair is supposed to be fun. So my challenge to you is to do something you normally would not do.
trying wearing your hair natural, or unnatural, try a braid, or a twist, or all up, or all down
I think you get the idea. Take a couple days and just play with your hair
but PLEASE take one day to GO BIG
Big Hair is SO good, and fun........... I promise!!

1 comment:

  1. Big hair is more fun! Maddie likes hers wild and free but mostly in a pony ;)
